Hi Everyone,
As many of you have noticed, I haven't been keeping up with this blog as of late. The reason for this is our recently made purchace. The biggest one in my life so far.
We've bought an appartment in a challet which is being built right now. My husband is part of the building project, so he's pretty much MIA for six out of the seven week days. I get to see him for a couple of hours in the evenings and on Sundays. It's like before we were married when we lived in different cities! I also have to do my part, so I'm now working a lot more to help pay the ever escalating and rapidly multiplying bills. And I'm still in charge of the house work. Grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc, etc, the work that's never done and never ends.
Hence, something has to give. And that is, unfortunatelly, this blog. As most of you know, my life's an open "face"-book. Facebook is where ALL my friends and family live. It is where I get to see what's going on in their lives, check out their pictures and videos, chat and play games, and just plain and simple stay in touch. But I do get flustered when I have too many things I have to keep up with, too many sites to check out or keep updated, too many passwords to remember. I was able to do Facebook and the blog but that was already my limit. When Twitter came along, it tipped the scales and I couldn't keep up. Twitter had to go. Now it's the building and the work. They are not gonna go. So that leaves the blog.
I will still keep it active however. I'm not giving it up altogether. I am sure I'll find a few minutes now and then to write a quick update or complain about something, lol, but that'll be the extent of it. However, once the building is complete, and we've settled in, and I've cut down on my working hours again, I will be happy to revive my blog life.
Until then, I wish everyone all the best and happy blogging!
Sincerely, (and a little sad)
Hope the new place is going up without too many hitches...
well, as you well know from personal experience, there's no such thing as building a house without hitches, but we try to stay on top of things and so far it's been so good. it's just the long work hours and meetings and organizational stuff, and cash drain, and, and, and. but it's all worth it in the end, no?! thanks for your interest. i'll keep you guys posted on Facebook.
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