Apparently, the big craze right now is to write poems. I'm not very good at it, although my version of "Jolene" by Dolly Parton was not too bad, or at least you people said so, and the "Astronaut" poem is something I am actually proud of.
So here is another one. I've been asked by some to add the "Where I've Been" application on Facebook since I've been to so many places around the world. But as most of you know, I am The Facebook Application Queen and have added so many that my profile is getting a tiny bit too crowded. So I am reluctant to add more. As I was having lunch at work the other day, I thought about all the places I've visited on this small planet and some lines began stringing themselves together in my head. Of course, the places mentioned in this poem are only a few of the ones I've been to, but to include them all would mean a bad poem gone worse, so I'll spare you.
Here it is, hope you like.
Where I've Been
I drank strawberry wine in Malta
and Sangria in Madrid
I ate a shark steak in Australia
and a little bit of squid
I've seen the sun set behind Fiji
and Prague's golden city domes
With a waiter called Luigi
I've played a drinking game in Rome
Under cloudy skies in London
I drank tea and amber ale
I've sat beneath the mosks of Tunis
as they towered tall and pale
In the land-o-lakes of Canada
I made my home not long ago
But my destiny has called me
To the land of cows and snow.
Ha! That's a good one, Laney! Nice work! You're a poet & i didn't even know it!
Not bad at all.
Where did you hear that poetry was the current fashionable craze, then?
Not a bad craze to have, though.
Also, I just listened to the audio clip on your blogger profile. I figured it would be some words of wisdom from yourself, but no - it was a link to YouTube and the squeaky voice of Mika. Any reason? Also, his song sounds just like this one: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBwVlsa7_gs&feature=related
you've been to Fiji?! that's really awesome! must have been paradise. i like the poem very much. i'd like to read this "Astronaut" one and the "Jolene" song.
Nice one!
Thanks for the comment. This poem certainly isn't bad, it's quite readable.
But if poetry was a fashionable craze (at least where I live) I probably wouldn't have gotten funny looks for mentioning what sort of things I write, last week! =)
thanks all for your comments. recently, a friend of mine posted his version to an Olivia Newton song and almost all the people who commented said they wrote poems, or tried to, or did at some point, so i thought, wow, must be the thing to do. but i still stand by my statement that poetry is not my strong point.
paul: "i just died in your arms tonight, must have been something you said" lol, i know that song but i never realized how similar those two actually sound, especially the beginning part. i like this version better: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jAzjw2HoXag&feature=related, my clubbing days are over, but it sure brings back some sweet memories :)
i chose the Mika song because it represents most closely my own view on life: "relax, take it easy, cuz there's nothing that we can do..."
ki: i'll try and dig up those other two and re-post them. that's cuz i don't know how to do a link to them lol, or i was gonna do that in this post. and yes, Fiji IS paradise!
wow. that is so nice. i like it, really. ^^
Writing poetry is a big craze?
I wasn't aware. I am only aware of this....
If f(x,y) is continuous on [a,b] then fxy = fyx on [a,b].
already then.
thank you for your kind words, too. i didn't know that you were waiting for my comment here. and i didn't consider myself that i write beautiful poems. lol. i'm actually envious of your poem. i've been to many places but i haven't written anything like that yet. i appreciate someone else's writing much more than mine. lol.
hope to see some of your good pieces soon. take care. ^^
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