A couple of days ago, my husband turned 30. I threw him a big surprise party to include all his family and friends. He was surprised. And very happy. We celebrated till 5:30 am! He got lots of great birthday presents which consisted mainly of alcohol and chocolate (nothing wrong with that) but a couple of his nieces and nephews gave him a much more special kind of present. Window art. I don't even know how they made it. Must be something they teach in school. But I put them up yesterday and they look great. They come right on time with the beautiful weather we've been having lately and they brighten up the house so well. Did I say "house"? That brings me to my second point.
Nate, darling, you better be sitting down before you read the next line. I want to be a house wife. Nate? Are you still with us honey? No, I'm dead serious. If someone had told me that a couple of years ago, I'd have laughed in their face. But the odd realization came to me yesterday as I was off from work and doing things around the house and thinking about a friend of mine who recently quit full time work, finally, and has joined me in the ranks of part-time employees. Now, let's take a sneak peak at a day in the life of a housewife.
I slept in till about 9:30am. Got up leisurely and made a cup of coffee which I enjoyed outside on the terrace with the beautiful sunshine warm on my skin, the birds singing, the cow bells dingaling, the breathtaking view of the still snow-covered mountains and the green pastures dotted with yellow dandelions, blue forget-me-nots and red tulips. I then wondered slowly to the computer to see what kind of trouble my friends were getting themselves into. Shower. About 11am now. Starting to prepare lunch for my husband. I love cooking so it was an enjoyable experience. French doors open (now that we have nets, the flies and bugs stay out), light, fragrant breeze coming in (can still hear the birds and cow bells), barbie on, music on, drinking lemonade and grilling and humming to the catchy tunes. Lunch done. Hubby home. Enjoyed a nice meal together with a glass of wine. About an hour later, he's off to work again. I put the table away at a leisurely pace, get a load of laundry on. Pour myself a second glass of wine and enjoy it on the terrace. Check the computer again. Call home and have a nice chat with Mom. Laundry's done. Put it up outside to dry in the fresh warm air. Leaf through some magazines, play some games on Facebook (my personal favourites: Scrabble, Scramble, Bricks Breaking, Balloonster, Joe's Farm-that's a violent one and not recommended for persons under 18 lol). Hubby home. Where did the time go? Make a light dinner. Chill out on the couch, catch up on how his day went, watch some telly. Bed time.
Nothing wrong with the above picture methinks. I can so do this every day. Add walk/exercise, add trip to Bern for some shopping and get together with friends, ok, add some other house chores of course(don't mind doing those when it's the only thing I have to do). Well, maybe I can work (part-time) during the winter. Because, let's face it, days are short, it's cold, not much to do outside the house. But during the summer, the life of a wife suits me just fine.
Nate, breathe sweetheart. In through the nose and out through the mouth. There, that's better, isn't it? We'll chat when I see you next month.
hmmm, you didn't strike me as the housewife type but the way you describe your day sounds pretty good to me. but remember the saying "a housewife's work is never done" or something to that effect. window art looks cute.
Wait until the children arrive.
ki: i didn't think i was the type either but now i am. wierd. i know it's a lot of work too, but it's different, no boss over ur shoulder. no pay either ;) but ah well, as a housewife one of my duties is to cut out cupons and look for sales lol.
peri: i know, ur so right. once that happens, i'll be dying to get out of the house and go to work. life's just not fair sometimes.
i'm not a typical housewife. lol. i'm much more of a career woman. when i'm at home, i don't normally do household chores. but wait till we migrate to another country. i'm dead. lol.
i'll try twitter. thanks for telling me. ^^
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