Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned

Here's an appalling story which rocked Europe for the last couple of days. No, it's not the bank situation, although that's a pretty hot topic right about now too. This story is as unbelievable as it is disgusting and if my meme didn't do it for you, this one WILL turn your stomachs, that's a promise.

In 1984 in Austria, a very sick man locked his 18 year-old daughter in a cellar underneath his house. He kept her there and had 7 kids with her during all those years. One of the kids died at birth and sicko burned the body. Three of the kids went to live "upstairs" with the wife and him. The story is that the wife had no idea what was going on. Pervo told everyone the 18 year-old daughter went missing. Later, he told his wife those three children were his, from another woman who died and now he has to take care of them. The other three kids lived in the cellar with their mother, uhr, sister, uhr...well, with the woman who gave birth to them. They had never seen daylight until they brought them out a couple of days ago.

There are many missing pieces of the puzzle still and the whole story is not entirely clear as of yet. The Austrian police are hard at work trying to figure it all out. The children are all under the care of child psychologists undergoing all kinds of tests and, of course, therapy. They're gonna need it!

Paul, I think suicide may not have been such a bad idea in this case, don't you agree?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I twittered about this yesterday. Made me feel a little nauseous when I read it back then.

Ki said...

that is quite disturbing. let me know what they do with "pervo". i have no idea what Austrian law's like, but i hope he gets what he deserves.

Svetlana said...

peri: what's this twitter thing already?

ki: i'll let you know. thy're still sorting things out now but they'll get to the punishment part soon i hope. they'll most likely give him life (Austria has no death penalty) but he's 73 years old now so he probably won't be in there for too long.

Paul Bernard Baker said...

I hear he has only got 15 years, so he may actually live to see daylight again. Not something he deserves after the unspeakable cage he forced his daughter to exist in.
Suicide then, in this situation? I'm not sure. Who knows if the girl had the chance to do it, maybe she didn't want to. I wonder if, after a while, you would resign yourself to the terrible reality of your situation and accept it. It seems that is what this woman did. She didn't go mad and kill her offspring, it appears she cared for them.
The children may now feel suicidal. In the fiction of HP Lovecraft, the author continually returns to the idea of finding something rotten like this buried in your ancestry. Usually the protagonist, on learning such information, promptly ends his life.
You must have to be a strong soul to keep going.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is a combination between a status updater (like in facebook) and an instant messenger. It's a neat way to interact online with people in real time.

Sounds like a useless application, but it is great for networking. Try it out, it's free. You can add me to your follow list.

Svetlana said...

paul: i agree. i like how you think and enjoy picking your brain.

peri: i'm not sure how to get this twitter, but that's ok. between this and Facebook, i think i have more computer time than i'd like to spend :)

Yesha said...

oh shocks! i don't like that kind of story/news. that's why i don't normally watch news on tv or read newspapers. poor girl. T_T that pervo will surely be burned in hell.