Sunday, March 2, 2008

Radio Silence for 2 Weeks!

I sit here in my brother-in-law's appartment in the outskirts of Zurich looking out the window at the low, grey skies and dreading tomorrow. Most people in my situation would be extatic right about now but me, I shiver at the thought of getting on a plane tomorrow afternoon.

As you guys already know, we leave for our trip to the Maldives tomorrow, Monday March 3rd, and will be gone for two weeks. As you also know, I am extremely nervous and scared of flying so you can imagine how my fingers are shaking as I write this. As with all phobias, the dread starts a few days prior to the actual event which is causing the phobia and my dread began late last week gradually escalating day by day until it climaxes the day of the event, in my case, the flight. At the moment, I'm in the stage of palm sweating, unvoluntary muscle contractions a.k.a. trembling body, difficulty with swallowing and a sense of....well, dread.

A friend of mine suggested I took or rather "smoked" something to calm my nerves before the flight. I laughed at the suggestion at first but now I am starting to seriously consider it. We have some time tomorrow morning before our flight and I will definitely be making a visit to a drug store. I have equipped myself with my ginger pills which I obtained and used on our last big trip involving trans-oceanic flights two years ago (they are still good, no worries, expiring in January 2009) which help me with the motion sickness but do absolutely nothing against my fear. So as much as I would like to not medicate myself with chemicals, the natural stuff is just not good/strong enough I'm afraid.

My husband, on the other hand, is very relaxed and excited and cannot wait for the.....plane food. You read correctly, plane food. Too bad they never give you enough, he says. Well, I tell you, he can have mine too, all of it. I won't be doing much eating up there.

So, adios for now amigos. Hope we make it there and back. And hope to see you guys on here and the ever popular Facebook again soon.


Anonymous said...

I've overheard people asking for second helpings on the flights i've been on, fyi. If they have extra, they'll bring it 'round afterwards, i

Svetlana said...

ohhhh, we knew that, and he did ask for seconds. they didn't have any :(