Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ski Challenge vs Damsel in Distress

My husband's usually pretty good at running to my rescue every single time I am faced with a life threatening situation such as chipping a nail, or getting a run in my stocking, or running out of mascara, except when he's playing the blasted Ski Challenge game, which is exactly what he was doing the evening an eight-legged monstrosity decided to drop by for dinner.....literally!

Now, I'm not sure if that's my phobia talking, but I say that Switzerland has an unusual amount of spiders, more than I have seen anywhere else, and they're bigger and hairier and nastier. So I have kind of gotten used to seeing them around the house quite often, but they usually tend to keep to the walls and ceiling....until the other night!

My husband was in the computer room racing down the slopes in Ski Challenge. I was cooking dinner in the kitchen. The door to the computer room was closed in order to keep the fumes of my cooking out of that room, for as delicious as my cooking smells (and tastes) I don't wish to have anything to do with it anywhere else but in the kitchen. I was stirring away on the stove with the vent above my head open and blasting away when suddenly, a large dark blur appeared in my peripheral vision on my right. I directed my gaze towards it. It was a huge, black, hairy spider hanging down on its websting from somewhere up in the vent, dropping down quickly towards my food. I screamed at the top of my lungs, chucked the wooden spoon I'd been using to stir the food into the air and ran. I ran to the furtherest corner of the living room where i crouched behind the couch shaking.

I heard my husband's muffled voice coming from the computer room: "Schatzi? Are you OK?" but I couldn't find my own voice to call back at him, so I just crouched there silently. He called out again and then again, but he never left the computer to run to my rescue. After a few minutes I managed to roll over the couch, curb the corner and rush into the computer room quickly closing the door behind me. "When you hear me scream, that means I'm in trouble, eh?!" I said to my husband. He looked away from Ski Challenge, "What's the matter now?" he asked, "Are we out of olive oil?" I smirked, "How would you like to eat a big, black, hairy spider for dinner tonight?" I asked. "Huh?" So I proceeded to tell him what had happened. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry" he gave me a quick hug and rushed out the door into the kitchen. I followed behind him. There was no trace of the spider, and he wasn't to be found in the food either, which was now burning away on top of the stove. They always do this to me those bloody creatures. They always come after me when I'm alone and then disappear without a trace when Reto comes along.

Anyways, we had racklette that night instead of spider stir fry!

P. S. the spell check is not working so don't mind the spelling mistakes (English is my second language)


Anonymous said...

remember those hairy ones are good luck here in Switzerland!

Svetlana said...

right u are!