Superheroes. I've been fascinated by them since i was a child and my fascination only grew stronger as i grew older. Could be because in my not too long but full of interesting experiences life, i have come to realise that they do really exist. You can call me naive or crazy, you can laugh at me if you like, but i stand by my belief. And they come in various shapes and sizes, all possessing various skills, but they do all fall in one of only two categories: good vs. evil. That is to say, some of them use their skills to help others and some of them use them to harm. Not all of them are aware of their powers but they all know how to use them, consciously or subconsciously. Those of them who realise that they are somehow different and special are stronger. Those of them who realise that they are superheroes are the strongest, most powerful of all. You could think of them as "Jedi and Sith", if that is easier to understand, or "Harry Potter and Valdamore". But i know them for what they are. Superheroes.
There have been many movies and shows depicting superheroes and their stories. Some examples are X-Men, Unbreakable, Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, Daredevil, and so on and so forth, and recently, i have been introduced to yet another T.V. series which dares to explore this intriguing subject. Heroes. Naturally, the powers the superheroes possess in the show are exaggerated, since i tend not to believe that a girl can break her ribs only to push them back inside her body and be regenerated fully in an instant, or that a man can shut his eyes and will himself 5 weeks into the future in a different continent, but that, like i mentioned above, is only an exaggeration of the real superheroes powers, and i only said, i tent not to believe which means that those kinds of people could very well exist, unless proven otherwise. In my opinion, Heroes is directed beautifully, the actors are well cast, and the story itself is a success from the start. I've only seen the season premiere of the first season, but i know the show is a success in North America and i predict the same fate for it here in Europe.
They are out there, walking among us. Do you know one?
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