This past weekend, September 21st till the 23rd, saw yet another annual Country Night in Gstaad. The 19th one to be exact. It's actually wrong to call it Country Night since it lasts more than one night but hey, who am i to start changing things around here when they've been a certain way for such a long time??!
Country music stars such as Randy Travis, Rhonda Vincent, Julie Roberts and Riders in the Sky were among the performers and country music fans from all over Switzerland were among the audience. Now, neither my husband nor myself are country music fans but a friend of my husband offered us some free tickets, so we attended part of Friday night's concert. I say "part of" because we kept going in and out for some much needed 'refreshments' when it got too boring. The highlight of the concert was, of course, Mr. Randy Travis. He's gotten older since i last saw him, but he's still got a pretty amazing voice and, i have to say, he did a wonderful job. I managed to snap some shots of him before one of the security guys came over and informed us that taking photos was actually not allowed. Hah! Who knew?!
So, Randy may have been the highlight of the concert, but the highlight of the night has to have been the afterparty. With all the non-locals around, the tiny bars of Gstaad were quite packed. We had a blast as usual even though the DJ spun mostly country and a bit of HipHop, R&B and trance in between. We even saw the guitar man from Rhonda Vincent's band. He was there with these two women, one of which had the most elegant shoes i've ever seen, and as i was admiring them and pointing them out to my friend, she happened to catch me doing that, so we struck up a little conversation and next thing, she's asking me to take a pic of them two with the guitar guy. So cool.
It took us the whole day, Saturday, to recuperate from Country Night Gstaad, lol, but that's quite alright considering we only got home at 5am and to bed at 5:30. We had enough country to last us another year for sure! See you all there next fall!
Sounds like lots of fun! Was Shania there?
GOD NO!!! im sure she was too busy thinking up stupid lyrics for her stupid songs! sorry, went off a bit there, but that's what happens everytime her name gets mentioned in my presence. and to think, we breathe the same air.....im shivering!
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