Like i mentioned in my last post, we had three weather-perfect weeks of summer in BG and i was a little afraid that coming back to CH would mean cold, wet, and nasty weather. But i was wrong, and my worries were totally unfounded for we came back to a gorgeous autumn in the Alps. It's been sunny and warm and very pleasant since we've been back. Cool in the early mornings and late evenings, cold during the nights, but just beautiful during the days. Indian summer is here to make up for the awful summer we had earlier.
Of course, we've been trying to take advantage of this beautiful weather and last Saturday, Reto took me up on the dirt bike to a huge field of blueberry bushes where we picked wild blueberries for four hours! It was yet another gorgeous autumn day. We rode on the dirt bike as far up as possible after which we proceeded on foot, crossing the Turbach spring, to the blueberry fields. Hiking in the fresh air and warm sunshine, drinking fresh mountain spring water, and eating fresh wild mountain blueberries hopefully brought back my three years of life which got taken away in BG!
Now, since the summer was not conducive to the blueberries, or any other vegetation for that matter, the fruit was scarce and scattered, but we still managed to pick 2.5 kg of blueberries which, after giving some to Mueti and Pappi and eating quite a few, we froze in ziplock bags for later use. You will notice that compared to the store bought ones, the wild blueberries are much smaller in size, but they sure make up for that in taste and nutrient content. Those are some mighty little blue fruit jam-packed with goodness! You can make all kind of delicious pastries with them, but since i'm utterly useless in that department, i think we'll be eating them warm over ice cream or just like that, which is still pretty damn delicious if you ask me!
The next day, Sunday, was little Micha's blessing in the church and Reto was one of the godparents. Micha is the cutest, sweetest little boy i've ever seen! He was real good and quiet throughout the whole church ceremony and later during the festivities. He loved playing with my necklace, and if he were a girl, i'd have given it to him, but i just let him play with it instead. He's gotta be my favourite nephew-in-law! I love that little boy like he's my own! I'm so happy that Reto is his godfather, that means i can spoil him all i want, and oh, i want!
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