Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Who Is Chubby Chuck?

Why, it's Jackie Chan, of course!

We were flipping through the TV channels last night, seeing what's on, and happened upon a movie called "The Medallion". Now, i had never seen the movie but, of course, i'd heard of it and i knew it was with......yeah, that funny, little, Chinese guy who knows karate and does his own stunts. Yeah, i knew who he was except, for the life of me, i could not remember his name. So i say to my husband, "hey, that has to be a good movie, lets watch that one, it's with that guy, you know, Chevy Chase, no, i mean, Chunky Jack, no, no, Chucky Cheese, shit, no, that's not it, ....." and right at this point, my husband yells out, "oh yeah, i know, it's with Chubby Chuck! You know, the little kung fu guy, who's also very funny." Well, i tell ya, i almost fell off the couch laughing my ass off, but we both knew who we were talking about.

We had to go to the Teletext site on the TV which shows the whole movie info, cast and crew, etc, etc, (you guys in Switzerland know what i'm talking about, and the others, don't worry, it's not important) and there we saw his real name. Jackie Chan! Yeah, him! How could you not remember his name? Shame!

The movie was indeed good, you know, like all Chubby Chuck movies, light and funny, no complicated plot, but very entertaining! Thanks for the laughs, Chuck!

And speaking of movies, here, i just have to use the opportunity to vent. A few days ago, i watched "Alexander" which left me very, very disappointed. I love the story of Alexander The Great and was excited when they made the movie, but somehow, it took me this long to actually watch it. And i'm sad to say, it was so not worth my time. Although it was directed by Oliver Stone and the cast included heavyweights such as Hoppkins, Jolie, and Ferrell, it failed miserably to do justice to Alexander. Sorry Alex. Angie did a good job, as always, poor Colin did his best, but had no help from the plot or the director, and Anthony, well, he just looked like a pitiful old man, which is what he Those of you who've seen the movie and share my opinion, thanks, those of you who don't, well, good for you, and those of you who haven't seen it..go see it and let me know what you think.

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